Kintsugi 1 - Japanese art born from the aesthetics of ceramics
Updated: Nov 18, 2023

Kintsugi is a traditional Japanese pottery technique and a beautiful way to repair broken pottery or porcelain. This technique is loved by many people for its unique aesthetics and philosophy.
Aesthetics and philosophy
The aesthetics of Kintsugi is to emphasize the broken part and incorporate it as part of the process, rather than completely repairing the broken thing. This method symbolizes not denying past scars and experiences, but rather acknowledging and respecting them. This aesthetic especially resonates with people who have experienced hardships and trials in life.
Repair process
The kintsugi process is performed by skilled craftsmen. First, the broken pottery shards are carefully collected and natural urushi is used as an adhesive. The pieces are carefully pieced together using lacquer to ensure a strong restoration. The gold or silver powder is then fixed with lacquer, creating the unique beauty of kintsugi.
A form of art
Kintsugi is no longer just a repair technique, but is also valued as a form of art. The restored pottery can be said to have been given a new lease of life due to its beauty and uniqueness. Kintsugi works are often exhibited in museums and collections, where their artistic value is highly valued.
Technology and philosophy to connect
Kintsugi is not only a symbol of physical restoration, but also spiritual restoration. It shows that broken things can become valuable again, and that vestiges of their past can become a source of pride. This technique and philosophy can also be applied in our own lives, encouraging self-acceptance and learning from past mistakes.
Kintsugi is a wonderful part of Japanese culture, suggesting that the beauty of something lies not in its perfection, but also in its personality and history. And it teaches us that this is true of ourselves and the worlds we create.